Shout by dgw

Average episode rating for this season: 7.65

Things certainly got more interesting this season, though I'm not entirely bought in to all of the core characters. The non-Tau'ri humans especially often feel flat, though it's not exactly fair to judge Ronon Dex (Jason Momoa) on the basis of only one season when the other characters have had two in which to grow.

Honestly, Teyla still hasn't escaped a sense of both "diversity quota" and "magical foreigner"—a pseudo-alien played by a woman of color is exactly the kind of character sci-fi shows would throw in to try and seem more inclusive, even though all of the main cast whose decisions actually matter are boring old white people.* Teyla's character development is positively anemic compared to that of Sheppard, McKay, Beckett, or even Weir. But in the end, I do have to appreciate that Rachel Luttrell stuck around. Certain other underutilized female sci-fi actors (*cough* Denise Crosby) gave up on waiting for solid material and left after less than one season, after all.

* — But so am I, so why are you even listening to my opinion? :upside_down:

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