Shout by Brianna Blake

Black Widow 2021

This movie is SO bad. This movie should have taken place before Iron Man 2 so we could see how she became Black Widow. Instead we get a movie that takes place after Civil War but before Infinity War; a story that really has no impact on the MCU whatsoever. In the movie we get to meet Natasha's "family" who we've never heard of and probably will never see again. This movie moves at a snail's pace and if you are looking for action? Move along, because this movie is like 80% talking, 5% stupid "jokes" and 15% action. This movie doesn't even feel like it belongs with the other MCU movies. Everyone feels like they are just phoning it in; the acting is bad, it's dull and I didn't care about anything that was happening. One of the MCU's biggest mistakes was this movie.

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