A proper title sequence, at last, even though it's only the second episode. But I wonder why the premiere didn't have it, at least with the cast members and the characters they play. And for some reason, Daniel Radcliffe's smile during his part was funny!? Something about the way he did it, along with the music that was playing, really made it funny.

I was surprised to see Shay Mitchell in this episode. At first, I wasn't sure it was her. I thought it was someone who looked similar to her. After all, she does look a little different. But then came the part with her character and the other guy with Todd and Prudence in the wagon; that's when she looked a lot more like Shay Mitchell/herself to me, which the end credits ended up confirming.

This episode wasn't as funny as the premiere was. The humor wasn't as good. And the moments with modern references were definitely the worst parts of the humor. It fell flat, in my opinion. But the hipsters themselves were the best part of this episode. And Todd. Let's not forget about him. The way Jon Bass played the part after Todd smoked some opium with all the out-of-it-completely expressions was absolutely hilarious. His mannerisms and expressions, in general, as Todd are great. Todd's probably my favorite character, so far, at least, which may be an unpopular opinion because of how he treats Prudence, and his personality, but he's still my favorite character so far.

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