Currently up to ep87 of this arc and am really getting bored of it – just like the Maineford Arc ( but in this case much, much worse ), it's gone on for far too long with nothing happening for the most part. I really love the overall plot concept with [spoilers]people turning to toys[/spoilers], but there were a number of episodes that you could just skip and still be fine continuing. Not only that, but it's been over 30 episodes or something, and we haven't gotten any updates about [spoilers]Team B of the Straw Hats.[/spoilers] They'll most likely be important for the tail-end of this arc but it feels like the writers know how much more expendable / weak they are that they just don't include them in this battle-heavy sitch. It also doesn't help that a lot of these recent episodes have started almost a whole 5 minutes in.

60-75 episodes would have been perfect with enough filler events to actually get through the entire main plot.

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@samgroves I know this is old but unfortunately One Piece has always had problems with pacing and the anime being too close to the manga. That's the main reason there are so many episodes with barely anything happening, they need it to be that way in order for One Piece to continue as a long running anime show, or we'd get seasons instead, just like happened with Bleach and Fairy Tail... One Piece is only allowed much more of this because it is one of the most, if not the most, popular manga/anime in Japan. Just like Naruto which had plenty of filler arcs as well, popularity saves its status as a long running anime.

Edit: And we can all be sure that going forward this filler episode/arc thing is going to become a thing of the past. Seems like they are preferring to have seasons instead even if it is very popular because it creates even more hype that way, or that's what it seems to me and has been happening for like 10 years now, it's becoming a trend. Tokyo Ghoul and Kimetsu no Yaiba definitely did not need to have seasons with such big intervals between them, they'd be fine if they had 50+ episode first or second seasons for sure.

What about sanji? He’s in team b and definitely not weak
