Review by PorterUk

F9 2021

Wow, what a pile of horseshit.

The plot (and I'm being generous by calling it that) is beyond ridiculous and nonsensical. The acting is either phoned in by actors who CAN act (Ms Mirren) or stinks up the screen by those who CANNOT act... I'm looking at you John Cena.

This is 2hr 20mins I'll never get back that I can add to the 10+ hours this crappy franchise has stolen from me. I rate only the first and the fifth as being slightly memorable in the least.

More fool me for continuing to watch this trash.

Oh, and before I go, I heard someone in the production crew saying that Vin Diesel calls from time to time and has deep conversations about what and where in life Dom would be... Seriously.

They should all be ashamed of themselves. Fucking adult toddlers thinking any of this is actually worth the slightest measure of positivity to the world.

A horrendous waste of time. If they make a 10th and it stays on this trajectory, it'll be the worst destruction of an original idea since Die Hard... Actually scratch that. This is wanky crap and always has been. It'll be just the empty-minded hollow nonsense that it deserves to be.


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