Shout by Josh Hornbeck

Marvel's Jessica Jones

Season 3

Without a doubt, my favorite season out of this final batch of Marvel Netflix shows. The series continues to dig into these questions of trauma and coming back from abuse, and how that abuse can shape your perspective on the world. I love the dichotomy this season sets up between Jessica’s and Trish’s different approaches to heroism, both rooted in their trauma, but one born out of a sense of rage and anger, and the other out of a desire for justice. It sets up some really compelling conversations that aren’t often addressed within superhero shows. This “ends justifying the means” tactic that many heroes take is rarely called out, so it’s nice y try to see it explored so fully (and with nearly every character) here. I also liked the season’s villain and the ways in which his misogyny is set up as a compelling counterbalance to Jessica’s narrative arc. It’s a really strong season.

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