" A storm is coming."

And after such an amazing fifth entry they dare to follow it up with this. Even while rewatching this I was on the edge of my seat during the race against the clock and after 6 films you realize you care about the IMF team. Cruise, Pegg, Ferguson, Rhames and Baldwin with hopefully Renner returning one day. Even seeing Julia again was great. Henry Cavill and his mustache did well being the bad guy. Having Sean Harris return helped too.

The bathroom fight, the chase on foot around London, the car chase in Paris, the helicopter chase, the Halo jump, the final fight. All of them are great. It might not have been hanging to the side of a plane or Burj Khalifa but it was still epic.

I think I love the story the most in Fallout and that makes it so hard to say that the 6th entry in the franchise is my favorite and I for one can't wait for part 7. With the team returning alongside Christopher McQuarrie, it'll be great if they can manage three quarters of how epic the fifth and sixth installments were. But I have faith in them!

Mission: Impossible 7 can't come soon enough!!!

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