This was actually the second pilot episode that Gene Roddenberry submitted to NBC, at their request, and I can completely understand why they've decided to pick it up for a full season. It's so much better than the original pilot and must have looked so advanced at the time that it probably blew everyone's mind. The narrative is quite dense and could have easily been extended to a full feature length. However, you can clearly see the changes they've implemented to both characters and tone of the show, even though the crew's uniforms, phasers and overall characterization would still be refined for future episodes. However, the fact that the antagonist turned out to be Captain Kirk's long time friend and helmsman of the Enterprise made the whole ordeal more personal and that much harder to overcome. We also get to witness one the many perils that lie beyond the edges of our galaxy and just how unprepared the Enterprise is to face them. This is, without a doubt, one of the strongest entries in the series.

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