Shout by BrianCoyote

Raya and the Last Dragon 2021

The movie feels a bit rushed. It presents to you this world with these factions and characters but it barely scratches the surface of any of it. It feels like it could have been a longer movie or a miniseries but at the same time it feels like they struggled filling the current runtime. The movie has too many jokes and most of them are miss rather than hit. It has a few moments where I was like "Ok, that was cool" but what surrounds those moments is not as good, like if they thought of these good story beats and just wrote anything to fill the gaps. Also, the movie is about "TRUST" and they are not subtle about it. You are gonna be constantly reminded that this movie's main theme is trust and it can get a little annoying.

Watching it was an ok time but I don't think I'll be revisiting it.

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