Review by Xiofire

The Green Knight 2021

I implore anyone going into this movie to first watch A24's recap of the Arthurian legend on their YouTube page, as well as the Wikipedia synopsis of the original poems premise. It will save you so much confusion as you wind yourself through this trippy, dream-like movie for the first time. Very much told through metaphor, symbolism and vague off comments, The Green Knight is a visually striking puzzle box of a movie that arthouse fans and A24 stans will lust over for some time (myself included). If part of the movie watching experience isn't feverishly discussing every detail with your friends and scrolling through every Reddit thread you can find, you may very well come away from the Green Knight confused and feeling like you've wasted your time. But if you're willing to open up and read interpretations from those online, as well as dive head first into Arthurian legends of old, you'll find much more here than you initially thought.
Much like Midsommar, I initially rated this fairly low, only crediting the visuals and performances for my 6/10 rating, but as I've now read up on the context and minute details, it's creeping it's way up to a 7 or 8 out of 10, but I feel it'll take a few viewings to fully lock in my impressions.

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