Review by Kitthren

I'm enjoying this thus far. Also, Nikita's one of my favorite shows so seeing Maggie Q in this was a pleasant surprise and felt like a natural shift to see her in this kind of role. There's some really suspenseful moments that have me on the edge of my seat and I love following along trying to figure out how and who's all behind the main act.

Anyway some things on my mind so far:
• How was Aaron, Chief of Staff, not a part of the Capitol bombing during the State of the Union? He's Chief of Staff so wouldn't he very likely have been in attendance there or did I miss something?
• I don't trust that journalist that Seth is interested in! Journalist always have a bad rep in cinema whenever they get involved in romantic affairs :joy: so I can't shake that she's definitely using him.
• The President or someone close to him had to have known somewhat of what was going on and Tom's firing/relocation and choice as designated survivor was not a coincidence. If he was unwanted as a part of the presidential cabinet, why would he also be made designated survivor? Chances of becoming President through that formality are insanely slim but I would assume the President (or whoever actually chooses) doesn't choose lightly and most definitely not someone they just fired.

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