As to be expected this episode felt like a filler. It didn't hold the tension the first one did. I feel like Negan is most definitely going to die somewhere along this season. Most likely by the hand of Maggie and when he does we won't like it. The tables have turned. Negan has sort of redeemed himself whereas Maggie has become hardened. What is the difference between Negan not helping Maggie on the train and Maggie letting Gage die? Alden was right, they could've saved him, there was time and it didn't even matter in the end because they had to fight those walkers - including a turned Gage now - either way.
What I did love was Daryl. No surprise there but the grenade... cool! Question though... the other dude (the one that fled with Gage) stumbled across Daryl and told him not to waste those bandages and stuff on him but later on we see him with the group again. I thought he died there in that tunnel?

I've heard a lot of people about The Common Wealth and how they're going to be another threat but they seem awfully sophisticated and all I can think about is how Rick and co destroyed Alexandria when they arrived there. Our group is such a tough group. They fight dirty, they've come across so much. I don't see The Common Wealth as a threat just yet. Then again, Terminus didn't pose as a threat either and we all know how that turned out.

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