I loved Mudd! What a great character! Roger C. Carmel did a wonderful job. I loved the exploration into what could loosely be called a trophy wife vs. a normal wife. In general, the comparison still holds. The self centered and vain, beautiful woman is what many men lust after, but isn't what they really want.

This episode really isn't as dated as some reviews would have you believe. The dialog gives a very fair view of what men want from women, and interestingly is more accurate today that it was in the 60s. Please note, it is not a balanced view of women, but the episode explicitly states it is about what men want in a wife, and from that perspective, it is still very relevant in modern times. The episode shows that men want the superficial until confronted by what they want. It also shows that self-confidence can be as attractive in a woman as physical beauty. It also shows men can be real putzes around a beautiful woman.

As usual, the story in tOS is far better than later series, which in general have the depth of a toddler's pool.

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