A great story. Androids with almost the level of sophistication as we see in ST:tNG, but using a programmable approach instead of a neural net approach. Very state-of-the-art for the 60s and very well done. I actually enjoyed this much more than I expected because it doesn't try to use any science or engineering to make it seem plausible, which almost always fails because the writers don't consult experts. Instead, this completely glosses over everything and results in a much more enjoyable experience. I'm not sure this approach would work in an action oriented story like we have today, but it definitely works in a character driven story.

The other aspect I love about this story is that we see Andrea has grown beyond her programming. Something commonplace by today's standards would have been incredibly novel for the 60s. The best part is that it is ancillary to the plot. We only get a glimpse that Andrea is far more than she was programmed to be.

Ted Cassidy is great, as always, in his typecast roles. He does a fantastic low intellect, emotionless brute. However, we did get to see some emotion from Ruk towards the end. The padding to add muscles to his otherwise thin frame worked well in this role. It was quite well integrated into the outfit so that it wasn't as obvious as I expected when I first saw him. Props to the clothing and prop designers.

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