Review by Geo Magneto

Karen 2021

In deciding how to tackle the issue of “Karening”, the writers of “Karen” decided to mix the stalker-thriller elements with racial justice commentary. This is not a task for the ill-hearted since “Get Out” and other films in the same genre (House of Sand and Fog, The Neighbor, etc) have already tackled the premise very well. “Karen” fails to invoke the seriousness of those films while somehow taking itself very seriously. Almost to the point of being a parody of itself. As if, the filmmakers were aware how unready for primetime the script was, so they relied on pacing (making it watchable) and predictability rather than say, “Misery” did to profound effect by digging deep into the stalker psychology.

To Karen, as a verb, is a recent term that evolved out of the compounding hysterics of primarily white women screaming like the Joker on an off-day at people of color, usually making entitled demands to be treated like Gods (or else they will “speak to the manager.”) These videos are best seen in the Cooper vs Cooper drama prior to the George Floyd murder that sparked BLM protests around the United States. Or on any number of Karen compilations now on youtube. The entire phenomenon lends itself to deep psychological analysis, this film attempts but gets wrong. Karens are no longer just white women. The word now is applied to anyone, of any race, who is freaking out with entitlement and mania. Yes, even black people can be Karens in 2021.

The writers seem late to the cultural show here. I think they decided to remake “House of Sand and Fog” with C-list actors and toss in a pinch of BLM. Does it succeed?

You decide. It’s remarkably watchable. The actress playing Karen invokes Christina Ricci from “Black Snake Moan” in an alternate suburban timeline. Their are moments that are super-cringe but also moments that seem like they should be interesting, so you watch them, even though it turns out they weren’t. For instance, none of the characters develop over the storyline. They all remain exactly the same as they were when the movie begins. So, be ready for a rather average script with above average ambitions.

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