Review by FLY

Limbo 2021

Clearly presents itself as a Sev7n like. Weird serial killer. Team of old cop/young cop. Someone who kills the cop's wife. But clearly doesn't reach the same level.

First as we see very early, Cham's pregnant wife was killed by a young girl (To) in a car accident. She just gets released from prison, and the huge majority of the story is him trying to beat her or kill her (directly, or indirectly by denouncing her as an informant in front of dozens of criminals) versus her trying to help him and get forgiven for the accident. Get ready to see her beaten up a lot.

The second biggest part is the cops looking in piles of garbage. For corpses, for clues, for a gun, etc.

The killer himself is clearly retarded and doesn't speak. There's no planning or intelligence here, just a fetish/mother complex. That makes the chase pretty bland.

It's using one of the last scenes as intro. It was a very bad idea here. It pretty much gives away what will happen during the climax, and brings nothing to the movie.

The black and white style works very well on wide decor views, gives a really nice aesthetic. It's more of an handicap for everything else though, from action, to distinguishing what is really in the piles of garbage. Could also have gone a bit easier on the rain.

There's probably some societal comment too about this whole neighbourhood being a pile of garbage, but I don't have the reference.

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