Ha! I really enjoyed the knives out situation with the Boyle family -but I do think making Charles not a Boyle was unnecessary, especially in the last episodes!-
And I think there should’ve been an episode between this and the last one about Jake dealing with his suspension, and he starts working with Rosa in her PI firm and realizes there are other ways to help the community! And that he starts realizing that if he’s a detective he’s gonna miss out on so much of Mac’s life and that’s the reason of his trauma, his dad being absent, so I think that episode could’ve set up a future exit off the force in a way that makes sense to the show, to Jake and to the audience.
And I kinda wanted Holt to date around, cause Kevin is bad vibes, he dumped him when Holt was going through a very difficult time, he kicked him out of the house and he kept Cheddar! That’s a nasty man! I wanted a spin off of Holt and Rosa living the satc fantasy. But yes that kiss was cute.

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