Shout by Deleted

I'm still confused about the difference of remake and reboot. But reboots are usually those ones which got nothing in common with what you you like and often the name is the only common thing.
At least remakes are tyring, but failing most of the time.

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@nescobar-a-lop-lop you got it:
Remake = trying to remake an old movie preferably by keeping as much as possible intact including the original cast.
Reboot = a "reimagining" of an old IP for a modern audience usually by people who never cared about the original and fruitlessly trying to make money by pandering to a non-existent audience of progressive viewers.

@nescobar-a-lop-lop For me,

Remake is about keeping original scenario, you just "modernize" a movie (ie: King Kong movies). Basically an update.
Reboot is about keeping the same universe, but characters evolved or even new ones appear, etc. Basically a new movie in an existing universe
