Review by ATwisty

Foundation 2021

I see a lot of complaints here, but I don't really get why. So far the acting has been great, the visual effects really impressive and modern, and the scenario far from being bad. It feels like a dense and interesting universe to get into. As someone who didn't read the source material (I have read some of Asimov's books but not foundation in particular), I am not bothered by the differences.
I agree on the fact that the scenario could be better, but as I said it is good enough to me and is balanced by the universe and its mood that I find fascinating and quite unique. I like the fact that there is not one main story, but ~4 that are connected and alternate regularly (like in a lot of books I read).
Even though I didn't see them enough to make my mind yet, the characters feel well written and interesting.
To conclude, if you get easily bored (The pace is quite slow, for me it is a strength but I understand it is not for everyone) or are an Asimov purist, this show might not be for you. However if you are into sci fi and are looking for something unique, it would be a shame to miss this.
I am waiting for the end of the season to mark the show, but at episode 6, it is a solid 8 or 9.

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