This was such a welcomed episode. It was great getting back to Gaal after so much of the empire stuff. This is a personal opinion, for sure, but I really don't care so much for how much detail and depth is being put into the empire's story and that'll probably remain my opinion unless something extremely significant changes.

Learning more about Gaal brought a lot of understanding to the show. In the first episode I was quite curious how she was able to study and learn this level of mathematics (and view a problem from an extremely unique perspective using one specific book) while nobody else could, and she was somehow able to do this on her home planet that doesn't really have books and has outlawed the seeking of knowledge.

I really love Gaal's plotline in this story. It's what got me interested in watching the show and it's the reason I've continued to watch the show through the episodes that are a bit of a yawnfest for me. It was refreshing to get this backstory that brings so much more depth and context to the overarching plot.

It was also great to be able to spend some time on Terminus and learn more about Salvor and how the situation there has evolved since they landed. The show started with a lot of time skipping and that was a bit confusing but these past few episodes (and especially this one) seem to be knitting those bubbles of time we're skipping between together so we can understand the bigger picture. Nicely done.

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