Review by Lorna

Foundation 2021

After S1E7 I’m still undecided on how I feel about this show.

There’s no doubt to the brilliant production and high budget. The vast majority of the actors are of high calibre too, which is why I can’t understand the actress who plays the main female part in the first few episodes. Her acting is very weak in comparison to everyone else and it actually makes it very difficult to watch; I’m getting to annoyed with her acting rather than concentrating on the show.

My other main gripe is the pace. Is so slow, too often. Why are there so many long pauses of no one speaking or doing anything of any interest or importance? I find myself constantly rewinding as I’ve actually dozed off, it really does get that mind numbingly boring.

However, the saving grace is when there is talking, action etc, it is worth watching. If all the boring parts were removed, there would probably be only 4 episodes and not 8.

Will I continue to watch? Yes, but only when I’ve exhausted everything else I want to catch up on. Or this is how I’ve naturally progressed without thought. Which is a great shame as it’s got huge potential.

I had no idea until 30 minutes ago it was a well known book series, I’m ashamed to say I don’t read. In my defence I’m dyslexic and by the time I’ve read something, not only have I taken ten times longer than I should, it doesn’t make sense. I and many others are reliant on shows and movies and Im jealous of what reader’s experience as they immerse themselves. It’s therefore far more important for TV & Film to get things right and do justice to well written novels.

I digress…there’s a lot of positives for this show and I will continue to watch as I feel I’d be disappointed if it was cancelled. I hope they are listening to reviews and will tweak the show. Outstanding shows such as GTO went from incredible to diabolical, Foundation could go from a rocky start fo phenomenal. We shall see.

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@angel1online you seem like the perfect candidate for audiobooks :)
