Review by Sahil Tandon


Season 1

Real mixed bag. I feel like Enlightened its age more than most other shows from the time because the cultural understanding & discussion of both therapy and corporate greed have changed a lot since it came out. I like how sincere it is, though, and there are some moments of genuine emotional clarity in a way that not many other shows allow themselves to engage with.

Unfortunately, the ways it tries to be a comedy are the weakest elements. Having the characters get harassed & degraded is really hard to watch & I think there's a clearer cultural understanding now that the sort of behavior shown by the managers here should be called out & can lead to intervention or lawsuits. Laura Dern plays her really well, but Amy is set up to be way more naïve than I can find believable, even in a workplace sitcom (which this isn't really). I'm not sure if it's because of the perception of New Age-y spiritual people at the time or for the sake of comedy but her character trying to be woke but failing because of incompetence & pettiness & failure to actually understand the things she's mad about just drags everything down & slows down the pace of the show. (she still has the right ideas & goals in the end, but it's baffling that she can identify the company's mistreatment of its workers & the environment, but is presented as being completely incapable of presenting that information to anyone without flying off the handle - maybe it's supposed to be a Mike Judge style smart-but-socially-incompetent character? but she's also set up as being capable of self reflection and in her mind as well as the show's intro/outro narration demonstrates a level of emotional intelligence that just isn't present most of the times she's actually interacting with people). It's frustrating because there's a lot of interesting stuff going on here, but the show is almost actively painful to watch.

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