Review by Xiofire

The Power of the Dog 2021

I will not deny this movie its strengths. It is a thing of beauty to behold, the score is perfect and Cumberbatch's performance really is something else. Subtleties, metaphor and foreshadowing are strong and used to great effect, and I'm sure another viewing will highlight many of the details missed during the wonderment of the initial viewing. However, I can't shake the feeling that the pace of the plot is all over the place here, as well as the actual depth of the story being about as shallow as a muddy puddle. It seems to speak in riddles, only to beat the viewer over the head with the message shortly after. It builds tension and strife between key players, only to have it fizzle out in the last 5 minutes. Impact is lost completely for nearly all pivotable moments, and I can't help but feel this movie is a series of whimpers after some of the best build up in the business.
Maybe another viewing will shine some light and make me appreciate this the way that others seem to be, but as it stands right now it's just a gorgeous movie with some solid acting and a captivating score, marred by a threadbare story and some atrocious pacing that lets everything it's built down at the last hurdle. Good but a far cry from greatness for me.

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