Review by Gabriel Justus

Army of the Dead 2021

a lot worse than army of thieves, i saw army of thieves first since it was the prequel, and i gotta be honest, army of thieves could have been better if it didnt have the bullshit needed to tie it in with this mess of a movie.

my main problem with this movie is: no character is actually important and likeable, even matthias character that was the best part of army of thieves is just not that great here, he still has the same "personality", but without any of the development, no one has any development here.

also, the plot is so full of holes that it actually hurts, here are some of my problems with it(spoilers)

  • if coyote has to sacrifice someone everytime she enters, how didnt anybody notice the guards missing? or does she use the people that want in and just select one of them to die as an offering?

  • the guy that was sent by tanaka makes less sense every second he is alive, any band of criminals would have killed him the minute they were out of tanakas reach, its one of the weakest "plans" i have ever seen from a "villain"

  • still on the topic of tanaka's guy, when the girl that he locks get out and is dying, instead of telling them that the dude sabotaged and killed her, she just says "run", and of course, no one runs, there is no real reason to run, the zombies are occupied eating her for a while, she could have solved the whole problem introduced by tanaka by just telling them he is a traitor.

  • the dad and daughter drama is kinda... forced, it looks like they felt the movie didnt have "feels" enough and just shoehorned it in the laziest way possible

  • the part about how they are in a "loop" is actually pretty cool and i love matthias reaction, but... why were there skeletons with clothes that exactly match up to the clothes of the crew? a bit too much of a coincidence...

  • i actually quite like the idea of a zombie society with ranks and all, but i really need and explanation and a reasoning why the zombies keep people as kinda of hostages to turn them later, it makes no sense, just turn them at the moment you get them and be done with it, it only happens so the mother can be alive for the daughter of the strong guy to find her, is literally a nonsensical behavior that only exists to facilitate a plot point.

  • the "the united states want to get a specimen to develop them as weapons and doesn't care about the main mission or the crew" plot was stolen straight from alien, and done so much worse and with absolutely no emotional impact for the audience, its again, just another useless plot point to make the movie feel like something is happening when nothing is.

  • the traps in the safe are very comical in nature and kinda dont fit the mood of the movie, but i am willing to let it pass cause i actually laughed, and again, matthias reaction saves it

  • while writing i noticed that most of what i like about this movie is related to matthias, and that is only true cause i watched army of thieves before this and i already know a developed matthias with his motivations and quirks... if i watched the movies the order they came out, i would enjoy these little moments a LOT less

  • the "our deadline got closer" plotline is so overused in the media already and feels so forced that it clearly was done to give us a sense of urgency in a desperate try to make the movie seem more active and the actions of the crew more meaningful... it seems like it was done because the movie lacked plot to fill the time.

  • i fucking love matthias, he is the only reason these movies dont have a worse score from me

  • the zombie sad for the other zombie dying actually made me feel like the zombies are more human and have more feelings than the crew, i sympathize with the zombies far more, this is not me saying the zombies had too much feelings, its me saying the crew had too little.

  • why the fuck the daughter of the strong guy is approving of him after they get the money? he was still a shit father and he still didnt help her look for her friend, that smile and approval is absolutely undeserved and out of place

  • the feelings the strong girl has for the strong guy at the end were so not developed on the rest of the movie that it completely missed me, i felt nothing for her (very small) confession

  • the daughter running away to look for her friend is just dumb as all fuck and not a course of action a normal human would take, its again just to make another plot point.

  • "i am not letting you go out there alone" and instantly dies, wow... i really didnt expect that when she said it(sarcasm) also, again, the character development is so bad that i dont feel anything from her, her death is almost comical in nature with the way and context that she died

  • now a whole treason from the tanaka dude fucking over our crew... a whole treason that could have been avoided if the first girl had said something useful before dying... everything just feels so fabricated and unnatural...

  • frag grenades dont explode in a big ball of infinite flames a la michael bay, they are what the name says, frag grenades, a relatively small explosion that throws fragments everywhere at really high velocities, if they wanted the big mofo fireball that fries every zombie they should have gone for incendiary grenades, not the frags just for the looks

  • coyote kinda died for nothing since she died because she kept looking away from her opponent for no reason, also, why kill the queen and just make the zombies angrier? why not return her head as a show of good will?

  • why did the helicopter girl actually agree to risk her life with no money on the line just so our strong guy could rescue some girls? she was in just for the 2 million as we saw in the start, with no money, why would she care? also, 9 minutes are infinite, holy fuck

  • the fuck are bullets made of in this movie? shooting the zombie king head with a pistol literally split it in half, a 50bmg wouldn't do that, wtf

in the end, it is a snyder movie written by snyder... so i dont know what i expected, every snyder movie is an gratuitous action fest with the shittiest excuse for a plot possible, he did one good movie in his life and then... well, the rest of his career happened and the most i can expect from him is "mediocre" or "ok", but most of his works are just... bad

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