Hmpf, the Emperors solution is great:
Let someone from the conspiracy kill the conspirators without letting them know whom you know about.
They will most likely kill traitors you don't even know about to save themselves (especially in an empire focused on individualism as extreme as the Terran Empire). Otherwise you will always have a few traitors your spies didn't find remain and rebuild. (In general - in this case it didn't really work since Michael seemingly can read thoughts and knows who the Emperor knows about...)

Giving your subjects something "to live for" also makes sense. You can limit the positions they can reach without fear of revolution, but the general ability to climb will make it, so they fight among themselves for positions instead of uniting against you (I think the ability to self-govern to a certain degree might have been the reason the roman empire rarely had rebellions given the size of the empire compared to the methods of control available).

If cunning was her motivation this would be great, sadly it doesn't seem to be.

The end leaves me confused - wasn't Yeoh confirmed for the Section 31 show?
The Universes weren't alligned at first contact as we know from ENT and Section 31 was created to protect the Federation as we know from DS9...

I really wish I could drop this Show without having the feeling to lack knowledge for future show references (still haven't given up hope for the entire franchise) as the Emperor was the last remaining interesting character left...

All of this being said, this was the first Arc (this and the last episode) that didn't cause any form of rage over stupid inconsistencies.

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