Episode S04E03

It's getting harder and harder to ignore the Woke nonsense coming from the show. In the first scene of the episode, they have people who are essentially interviewing for a job talking about their sexual preferences. Why would anyone go: "I graduated from so and so, did so and so projects, and also, I'm gay." Why?

Later Browne and Reznic are having an argument and a guy tries to diffuse the situation, so they snap at him for 'mansplaining' after which they forget about their argument.

And then later, they asked the residents an open question and one of them hesitates goes like "Emm...." so the same guy steps in and gives his answer. What do they do? Of course, chastize him for daring to interrupt a woman. Even though the woman didn't say anything besides 'emm' they tell him that "He doesn't always need to be the one to speak first". And who chastised him? Dr. Reznic. A character who has 'do whatever it takes to win" personality and will do anything to advance her career even at others' expense. Suddenly this character cares sees something wrong with being the first to speak, when she did the exact same thing to Claire Browne when they were residents.

Later the senior residents talk about the new residents, they say they want to convince Dr. Lim not to hire the mansplaining guy. Because he's arrogant. Yet they praise another doctor(a woman) who is more opinionated than the mansplaining guy as confident. And that's a plus. So when a guy talks first and gives his opinion, he's a bad doctor, because he's arrogant. Yet when a woman does the same thing, it's good, because she's confident.

Also, can you guess what ethnicity this 'asshole' guy is? Do you really need to guess? It's obvious it's the only white straight male in the resident pool. And of course in the end they did not hire him, because he's 'obnoxious' and 'arrogant'. As if Dr. Mendez wasn't obnoxious and arrogant and as if arrogance isn't a common trait in surgeons.

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