Why don’t they just transfer the consciousness of Zora to an android like Data and let Zora help rebuild another program for the ship. An AI ship is still dangerous since all crews are dependent on it.

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@knightrel Exactly what I thought.

They might follow the letter of the law (I don't get how being a new lifeform makes her less of an integrated AI, but lets accept that for the sake of argument), but not the spirit.

Why did they forbid it in the first place?...


Reply by LBJ

@Knightrel That was suggested during the episode and Zora respectfully declined. The ship is her natural form and that's what she feels comfortable with. It would be like someone forcefully transferring your consciousness into another body of your choice. Hey, we'll let you choose your new body, but you're getting transferred whether you like it or not. :anguished:

@knightrel As I understand it. They don't do it because Zora identifies as a ship. That's what all this bs is all about. Political correctness and feelings is more important than rational thinking, function and logic.
