Review by wpafbo79

Don't Look Up 2021

So is Hollywood really just saying Biden and his administration are completely incompetent and can't grasp really basic stuff? It could be Trump, too, but it actually fits Biden even better. It definitely has to be Biden. He had everything set up for him to succeed (mostly by sheer luck than any competence of the previous administration) and he backtracked or failed to continue in just about every scenario (except climate change [credit where credit is due]).

The administration would rather ignore or misdirect instead if dealing with the pandemic by ordering supplies ahead of time or dealing with the immense number of illegal immigrants, or the breakdown of the supply chain, or Russia and China posturing, or any number of other critical issues that are now 10x worse than they were under the previous administration (crappy as that was).

Yeah, this end of the world movie is definitely about the Biden administration and the current dominant party in Congress failing. There was a bit of Trump in there as well, but definitely secondary to Biden. I kept waiting for Orlean to go hide in her basement.

I mean it really seems like the head of NASA is a perfect allegory for Fauci, except an inverse. Instead of saying the world is about to end, she said it was all bollocks. If only Fauci would be told to resign.

Isherwell is a great analogy to Soros and Gates, and even Musk.

That is all I get out of this...

B-movie performances abound, cringeworthy at best. I was expecting so much more.

Ron Perlman was a great "character", though we all know he was just being himself. Mark Rylance and Liif were very entertaining. I loved the phones automatically buying crap. Cate Blanchett and Tyler Perry were both good in their limited roles. Jonah Hill was abysmal as always. Well, almost always. He was amazing in Maniac. The molly comment was really good, though. Meryl Streep has one of her rare shit performances. I think Arnold Schwarzenegger could have done better. The complete change in character for DiCaprio made no sense. And I never really expect anything good or bad from Jennifer Lawrence and she hit the mark... mediocre.

I do have to wholeheartedly agree "we're all tired of the politics".

For all the shit, the scene with the family at the table, I only wish I could face the end if the world with such thanks and humility.

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@wpafbo79 It's very clearly Trump. There's almost zero doubt considering how the show goes out of its way to show the revolving door of White House staff and the whole "Don't Look Up" slogan parallels to how poorly he dealt with COVID in 2020. I dunno how someone misses any of this. Of course you're just being intentionally dense

@aniforprez Except there is no revolving door of White House staff in the movie. None. The only administration official to change in the movie is the head of NASA. And speaking of dealing poorly with COVID, as bad as Trump did (which was bad), Biden is far worse. So while Streep intended this to be a disparaging commentary on Trump, it is far more fitting of Biden. If nothing else, a mashup of the two.
