A decent start to the show. I'm glad they wasted no time getting to the "around the world" part with a fairly quick set up (not sure about the way Passepartout gets involved, it's funny but forced). While the show maintains a bit of that refined British politeness, it's also quite goofy. I hope all of the trio's stops around the world are as eventful as their first stop in France, where they land smack dab in the middle of a riot and later an assassination attempt on the French president, which Phileas Fogg thwarts (what? no medal?) while his partners become implicated. I liked the Scooby-Doo-esque chase sequence which leads to their perhaps too convenient escape on the balloon we've all been waiting for. I guess at this point, you kind of know the tone of what you're getting from a PBS Masterpiece show but the sense of adventure and the over-the-top goofiness have me excited for the next episode.

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