I actually really really loved this adaptation and I do not entirely understand the backlash. It's not necessary a negative thing taking a classic story that's been told countless of times in countless adaptations and changing some of its bits in order to create a new, in my opinion equally (if not more) interesting one, instead of retelling the same old one for the millionth time. Abigail's character was a very spot on addition and fit the story perfectly. The historical aspect of it all which was not very present in the book made the story way more captivating for me. And of course, David Tennant is extraordinary in everything he does and this role was made for him, even if he was a slightly different Fogg than the always calm, always self-collected one we saw in the book. Speaking of Fogg, the Estella storyline was also a great addition for him, one that I personally much prefered compared to Aouda's in the book.

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I agree with everything you wrote. I also think this was a fantastic adaptation and the changes made improve the story.
