Review by KyriaCrosszeria

The Green Knight 2021

Great film, in cinematography and storytelling, but I struggled with how much of an idiot they portrayed Gawain to be for most of the film.
Of course we wouldn’t have any story if he had listened closely to what the green knight had said and not taken the entire head off, subsequently pushing himself into the deepest pits of despair, believing his life would be forfeit if he went in the journey… but that also made the story.
What a weak character he starts out as. Silent even when the woman who loves him asks a crucial question. And too trusting of strangers in the wood… not even taking his sword when he runs. That was entirely too silly. Not at all convinced his journey makes him any stronger or better. Sure, he does find some courage in the end of the film, but not after having been a coward all his life.

Although a cool cinematographic trick, panning the camera around and showing his bones in the future, I’m so far confused as to what purpose it served. It seems a little useless. A moment of confusion and “oh is that it”, but then it’s taken back?

I liked the “are you real or are you a spirit?” - “what is the difference? I just need my head.”
As it becomes striking that he is on a mystical journey and this is not a common story at all, it was increasingly well received. The fox in his colours, the beautiful books, impossibly deep springs … I am not familiar with the original tale but I was suspecting him to have been the green knight and it being a circular story. At the very least for him to having freed the old and becoming the new. But it seemed like his mother had called the knight to begin with, so many questions arising as watching.

Be wary of promises where you exchange gifts. She might give him a child. I really wanted him to interact with the blind lady on his own. I wonder what she was all about. Was she symbolic him? Blind and mute?
Absolutely adored that the lady in the castle in effect made a photograph of him. That was terrific.

“Red is the colour of lust, but green is what lust leaves behind after, in the heart. In the womb”

Love how both Gawain and his fox were in a trap by the two in the castle.

A wonderful mystical journey and stunning images. Worth the watch.

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