So I took a day to gather my thoughts about the finale, and I figured out what it was so disturbing about this for me.
I think all of us who loves Dexter felt comfortable with him as a representation of our own "misfit-ness", and by extension - some dark sides. We found comfort in rooting for him, even if it felt "bad". And I, personally, was happy knowing that he has a place in this world (i.e the lumberjack ending).
By killing him off, I feel the society becoming even more unaccepting towards those who are different. You can't BE if you're not right, fix yourself or get eliminated.
I feel that's where the world is going, and this finale is a representation of that.
I'm usually not the person of "back in my time", but now I feel that the 00's were times when we all got more ability to be ourselves (within the limits of morality, of course), and now this door is closing with the lack of privacy, the judgmental approach and the whole "cancel" culture.
So that's the end of Dexter for me, as well as the end of an era and a portion of my own youth.
Well, I guess it was good while it lasted. Still, feel kinda sad.

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