Review by whitsbrain

The Ritual 2017

"The Ritual" is another title listed as "A Netflix Film". I find I'm watching a lot less on Netflix, primarily because it's becoming difficult to find any content on the service that previously played in the theaters. Much of Netflix's content is branded as their own. This is probably because it's more expensive to enter into contracts to stream content from other studios or networks. It's evolving into just another CBS or Disney. The only difference is the Internet is their primary method of delivery (for now). It's interesting that my cable TV service now provides a Netflix app on my cable box. It confuses the business model.

The time is coming when everyone "cord-cutting" won't have cable or satellite TV bills anymore, instead, they'll be paying a dozen individual streaming services for their original content.

I already see people thinking they're geniuses by signing up for trial periods to binge watch something on Hulu or CBS All Access or something. Eventually, those extended trial periods will be shortened or the services will start offering only the first five episodes of a TV series or maybe five free movies. They'll hook you, then you'll be asked to pay. These companies aren't stupid. Enjoy while you can. Binge for today.

So why did I get on my soapbox in the previous paragraphs? Because it's tougher to find something I want to see on Netflix. I don't log into Netflix to find something I've not heard of. I go there specifically looking for something. In the case of "The Ritual", I settled because I couldn't find any of the Horror movies I wanted to see. I clicked on "The Ritual" out of frustration. Do other people just settle for what Netflix offers? Is it their only option? The service is so popular that I'll assume that I must be the exception.

But finally, about "The Ritual". It was one of the better Netflix branded movies I've seen (which aren't many).

The movie is suspenseful, the characters are likable and the thing-in-the-woods is certainly creative and menacing. There was plenty of frustration which turned into conflict which morphed into desperation and finally, bravery. But somehow, another story of one man conquering his own personal demons at the expense of others fell flat.

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