Shout by Hamburger Theatre

Mad Max: Fury Road 2015

The story mechanics are quite familiar to some who have seen a few post-apocalyptic and western films before. Every sequence has its purpose, and every character's action on screen is justified.

To quote some guy who worked on the set of Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace, there's so much going on in every frame that tells you everything you need to know without having to tell you through its characters (and this quote is more relevant to Fury Road than it ever was Phantom Menace). The action set-pieces are the best thing to happen to Hollywood's tainted, reanimated corpse, like a refreshing spring rain after a decade's drought. And now men's rights groups are getting their panties in a twist because Charlize Theron's character, Imperator Furiosa, was given more dialogue in the trailer for the film.

I won't say anything more. These men's rights activists are jerks. If you have balls and the option to grow facial hair, be a real man and see this film. Bring a date.

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