Shout by Neil Trout

The Tragedy of Macbeth 2021

I thought the witches were well played, especially the contortionist witch as the play is really about how they contort Macbeth by influencing him and bringing out the evil in him “something wicked this way comes”…I think that some of the dialog was rushed and they needed more emphasis to allow the meaning of what was being said to hit home, such as the the futility of existence, e.g “Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more.”…also how Macduff took the news of the murders and how that would enrage anyone, he was a bit bland in his reaction, it was gut wrenching and should have been such a painful emotional experience for Macduff..the final battle was a bit bland too as it wasn’t emotionally charged as a result. Overall though, the witches were the best and it was great that they made this in the first place.

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