Review by Krendar

Arcane 2021

Arcane is as good if not even better than the praise it receives. The gorgeous and artistic animation in itself would elevate a flawed and boring story to an enjoyable experience. The amount of detail and love shown in each scene is simply breathtaking and makes the setting feel that much more real.

Arcane, however, is not only visually stunning but also provides an intriguing plot within an interesting setting. The plot is compelling and not once fully predictable. The world building is executed flawlessly as it doesn't rely on cheap exposition dumps but instead has faith in the viewers intelligence. As a consequence, the viewer feels a lot more intrigied and automatically pays more attention to every detail as it isn't simply handed to one on a silver platter.

Of course, well written, interesting and, sensible characters are what make a good show and this might be what Arcane excels at the most. Every character has ambitions and reasons to act the way they do. The decisions they are sensible from their standpoint even if they are generally deemed evil or wrong. The character development is gripping and never feels forced or illogical. Additionally, the set of interesting characters is voiced by a cast of very talented voice actors performing expertly written dialogues that feel natural. The combination of these factor lead to a set of insanely likeable, relatable and touching characters.

Arcane's soundtrack also needs to be commend to the fullest. The orchestral score in the background could not have been composed any better to fit the tone of each scene. In addition to the great score, the set of songs solely written for this series fit marvelously despite being rather unconventional at times.

All in all, Arcane is a near perfect masterpiece of a series with high quality in every single aspect.


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