A decent farewell episode. But I'll be honest: Ann's character never really did much for me. Early in the show, she was basically a secondary straight man alongside Mark, there to play against the absurdity that Leslie brings. But once Ben came onto the show, she kind of fell away from that, and was just... there. The focus of her character became who she was dating (or at least what her dating habits at any given time were), which is not interesting. It's like they needed to have her on the show because Leslie needs a consistent female friend, but they never really found something truly compelling for Ann to have for herself. Not to mention her second-to-last appearance as part of the principal cast (the previous episode) is merely about her wanting to bitch about things. What an awful showing - annoying and no depth. I don't blame Rashida Jones for leaving the show early.

As for Chris, he definitely has his moments, but I was actually kind of annoyed by him during this watch through, more than I've ever been in the past. He starts off as somewhat of a minor antagonist - first with his no relationship rule which Leslie rubs up against, and then putting Leslie on trial. Then his downward spiral of depression later on becomes his main character trait, and it gets old. But I still like him on the whole. Besides, it wouldn't be Rob Lowe if he didn't leave a show early, am I right?

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