A gorgeous movie worth watching for that alone. The black and white is more than a gimmick; Light shines and radiates, almost blinding, off grass or by the sun. Black ravens are suffocatingly dark. Fogs are ephemerally misty. And there are so many setpieces that are just breathtaking. The door handle akin to a dagger, the castle walls surrounded by an impenetrable cloud, Macbeth’s throne room rendered to a forest of his mind… it lends the film the feeling of a fever dream. Claustrophobic, harrowing, inescapable.

And it’s all anchored by a powerhouse performance from Denzel Washington. Not his first time playing a man who’s fallen to ambition- see Training Day- this time we get the fall in progress. He nails a once good man who cannot resist the siren’s call of power, of what he thinks deep down he deserves. He gives the Shakespearean words weight, grounds them with his fury and entitlement. Add in the rest of the cast, especially Kathryn Hunter, Frances McDormand, and Alex Hassel, and it’s a vision you can’t look away from.

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