Shout by

Oslo, August 31st 2011

This film is a perfect example of how a film can be made in such a minimalist way yet still have so much to say without saying it. The main character is nearing the end of a drug rehab stay and is trying to acclimate himself with society again. As he ventures out into the world for one day he sees that he does not seem to fit into it. While he is in despair there does seem to be a bit of hope in him as he has experiences as day turns into night and he has some positive experiences.

I thought the best scene of the film happens early on when he meets an old friend. While it seems so many of us wish we had it better than we do I can't really think of too many people that have it well. Even though the main character is starting his life over and has absolutely nothing he still wouldn't trade places with his friend. There is something profound in that.

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