whaThis show is a highly polished turd. Season 1 had some interesting concepts, Season 2 was stupid. Season 3 is just nonsense and laughable.

Sonequa Martin-Green is and always has been just god awful as Michael Burnham. The overacting, the constant screaming and crying and all this crap. Plus her inexplicable decision-making process.

This season they seem to have decided to try and bring more attention to other members of the crew, but there's absolutely no emotional impact to the challenges and near-death experiences they face in this episode because these people are basically strangers to viewers. You have no backstory on practically any of them so it just feels completely out of place when they've got any dialog at all. In other Star Trek shows I knew all the main characters' names. I still don't have any clue what most of the Discoervy crew's names are.

The concept of the Burn is just silly and the reason for it is just plain stupid.

Tilly being captain makes no sense.

The turbolift fight scenes are pure idiocy. Discovery isn't that big. Why would they have so much empty space devoted to elevators in the ship? Where is all of this? Did no one stop to think about this?

Osyraa doesn't make for an interesting villain at all. Then they throw in this random wheelchair scientist guy who defends her?

Oh and that lie detector hologram thing, what the actual fuck was that?

Also what was the point of David Cronenberg's character? And why didn't anyone bother to make him look like he actually belonged in the show?

What the hell is the stuff Osyraa pushes Michael into in the data core?

What's with the stupid robots? The robot sacrificing itself has no impact, because they never bothered to establish these robots as mattering ever before. "It was my honor." Come on. I literally laughed.

Why would a holographic program make whatstheirface's dead boyfriend visible all of a sudden?

I'm not even complaining about how this "isn't Star Trek" and all that shit. By all means try something new. Look at Lower Decks, it manages to do something pretty new without completely shitting on everything that came before it. Discovery is just objectively a terrible show on every level that is masquerading as a good one.

I'm also not against diversity and inclusion but the transgender stuff in this season is just so damn forced. We get it, you're so woke.

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