Review by JoJoConejo

After Yang 2022

  • Things I didn't think I would see today: Colin Farrell in a family dance off.
  • That was the weirdest start. Love it
  • The grafting-adoption parallel was extremely sweet and on point
  • Ah. The Haley Lu Richardson&Kogonada saga continues
  • All the dance crews are reappearing
  • Fascinating the technique of showing "videocalls" as the different points of view (in turn), but withou showing screens nor devices. It feels like theater, taking turns as in a ritual
  • (Totally unrelated but just yesterday I watched Black Mirror 1x03, and I'm having flashbacks for the memory implant thing)
  • Beautiful collection of life instants
  • That change in perspective to Jake's was smooth as silk, to seeing Yang, his family and himself and his own actions with different eyes from the past
  • (Yang's haircut is a little questionable IMHO)
  • It's a captivating idea that of a synthetic being with a marked disposition to curiosity: someone who can act as a sort of mirror, vehicle towards introspection by asking question we don't often ask ourselves or get asked even by loved ones - who maybe take those facetings of our nature for granted. It could be a sort of therapy for many people not questioning their own identity and ideas, not testing and twisting them - which I personally think is one of today's biggest issues
  • I'm getting more and more appreciative of Farrell's performances, year after year
  • It is turning in a tale over loss. I don't know if I wasn't paying attention to those strings in the soundtrack, but now they fit nicely
  • How would you separate your identity from the way you were programmed? Are the two separated?

Visually magnificent, words that come to mind to describe Kogonada are rituality and aesthetic musicality, if it makes sense. A philosopher of tea, after this?
I felt an incomplete connection with the characters. Maybe it was too reflective to allow to create attachment and delve into them properly.
I think I loved Columbus more because of the exchanges of ideas, the dynamic between the characters which led to a mutual growth. Here it felt more one-sided: through Yang's eyes, a blossoming for Jake.
Still, beautiful and poetic

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