Terrible. What a travesty that was. Makes me sick.

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It truly is shocking. It's bad enough getting rid of one person who wasn't nominated to be up, but four!? All to ensure that Jade stays in and replace the others with people who probably won't be better housemates anyway.

I don't mind losing the twins and I'm glad Harriet is out of there, but there's no way Kieran should have gone! At least Chloe stayed, but it's really not right the way they've gone about things.

I'm not happy about this at all. It's almost as bad as when they brought Nikki back not long after she finally got evicted. And of course the 'secret house' trick they regularly use to save someone they know would quite rightly be gone otherwise.

Reply by Deleted

This is all just to ensure the ones who cause the most "drama" stay in the game. Meanwhile actual deserving people are now gone. Stupid, stupid "twist".
