Shout by Jordy

After Yang 2022

Well, Peacemaker’s time of holding the the title of best opening credits dance sequence of the year turns out to be short lived.
This is like a great Black Mirror episode (the philosophical kind, not the dystopian kind).
I’d also highly recommend it if you’re a fan of Alex Garland (the visuals in this reminded me a lot of Devs).
We’ve seen this concept of humans and AI living together done before (Westworld, Blade Runner), but this is more focussed on family relationships and drama, which makes it very fresh.
The cinematography is out of this world, acting is top notch across the board, good score, interesting storytelling that goes in directions you don’t expect, thematically rich, tight editing, it’s really great stuff.
Just know what you’re getting into: it’s reflective and meant to give you food for thought, it’s not a pulpy thriller about AI taking over the world.


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