This show has a lot of missed potential. Don't get me wrong, I still really enjoyed it, but if it weren't for the breathtaking cinematography and the incredible score I'm not sure I still could say the same.
It feels like the story didn't have enough time to unfold properly, which messed with the pace and took away the impact of supposedly important character moments. That wasn't helped by the excessive cheesiness and predictability.
I really like that they tried to go a bit of a different route than the book did though, adaptations shouldn't just blindly copy their source material in my opinion. What would be the point of that? I feel like I can see what they were going for, the focus is clearly on the characters, but again, they would have needed more space / more episodes to reach a good pace.
Also I just have to say it again, that SCORE is SO GOOD. I especially like the intro theme, which was the only part in the soundtrack that Hans Zimmer worked on according to the credits. The entire rest was done by Christian Lundberg, I BEG that people don't ignore that. So many times smaller componists get overshadowed just because Zimmer also worked on the music, it's so unfair.

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