[7.3/10] A pretty straightforward one (at least by Rick and Morty standards) but still plenty of fun to be had.

I enjoyed the extended riff of Hellraiser-style demons. The notion of them enjoying pain so much that Jerry’s “cringe” is like catnip to them is a fun conceit. The running gag about them getting tied in knots over everything being opposite day where they come from was worth a laugh, along with their silly naming conventions. And the idea that they’re felled by none other than sincerity is a good bit as well.

It’s not the deepest exploration, but I like how both Rick and Beth feel bad about poking fun at Jerry by the end, with Rick even saying his twisted version of “I love you” to his daughter’s “stupid husband.” Again, not a ton of emotional depth there, but it’s something.

The B-story with Summer and Morty going on an adventure with the cool new kid at school and Rick’s car is a nice dose of insanity. The car is an unexpectedly fun character, and the intergalactic adventures involving sentient mailboxes, transformers in “Space Tahoe”, and sun-gulping Galactus expies is a hoot. The humor about trying to impress the hip new guy before he realizes you’re a loser is a good throughline, and this is an appropriately bizarre take on a Ferris Bueler’s Day Off-style teenage misadventure.

On the whole, this was mostly just a big romp episode, but the laughs were there, and it had plenty of silly, out there fun.

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