Susan’s arc is so complex... There’s nothing wrong with deciding to move on, there’s no law against it. However, I will always find this new step Susan took with Ian too hasty. Six months might seem like a long time, but in the case of death, or in the case of the person being in a coma, I don’t think so. And I use Ian himself to make the comparison, who spent three years waiting for Jane. Three years. Susan waited for only six months for the person she says she loves... This inconsistency intensifies when we hear her say things like “love of my life”, “I pray every day he wakes up”, etc etc...

Also, there’s no way to defend the show she puts on with Ian when she finds out Mike woke up, and she wasn’t there. He made the invitation, she went because she wanted to. The sex happened because she consented. She was not forced into anything! So it’s not his fault, it was pathetic of her attributing it to him. Since she accepted the trip at the beginning of the previous episode, she showed guilt for taking this “vacation”. If she wasn’t sure, she could have stayed home and chosen to do this only when she was sure of herself. The choice had consequences and attributing it to the other person was very wrong.

Too bad Mike has lost almost all memory of the time he lived on Wisteria Lane. And Edie ALWAYS leaves me speechless in this arc. She is a person that I really love, too much! But her posture, her decisions here are of dubious character and in very bad taste. We know she doesn’t like Susan. But manipulating Mike like that? Lying that he wasn’t in love with her? Lying that she kept jumping from bed to bed when she was with him? Oh please. And the worst thing is seeing him convinced that she is telling the truth. In the end I feel sorry for Susan being rejected...she may have made a mistake in the eyes of some, but no one can deny that she truly loves him.

BTW: Orson was all tense when he heard that Mike woke up, and quite relieved when he discovered the memory loss. oh oh...

Bree thought she was doing the right thing to tell the truth about this woman’s husband – who she’s not even close to – but she was the one who got the shocking news. What a bomb Danielle and the history teacher thing – it’s the one who ran into Bree at the fair and said her daughter is his favorite student. We know why now. But the best thing about this whole storyline is to see how much the reality shock that Andrew took served to mature him and to make him appreciate the mother’s love he has. The dialogue between the two at the end is too beautiful! Andrew acknowledging that she did a good job and that they understand the concept of right and wrong. What moment! There’s a chasm between this Andrew and that petty one from last season.

Poor Parker. I find Lynette so over the top forcing him to play baseball. I agree with her on some points on that whole “give up” thing, because children should really be encouraged. But it has a limit. In this case, besides the boy being bad at the game, he was a laughingstock on the team. But anyway, I feel bad with the double bribery, from the boy and the coach. She and Tom celebrating the boy’s injury. My most beautiful couple! Ahhh, so glad she decided not to talk about that company anymore, and now she will support Tom “99%” in the dream he wants to follow.

Gaby calling the police for Carlos! One of my favorite moments of hers is when she’s forced into a police car and yells “POLICE BRUTALITY!” for neighbors. She was too much. Eva Longoria flawless in comedy, as always. And now in this war, she really touched the wound, huh? They are separated and she is free, but I felt sorry for Carlos when he heard that Gaby had gone back to sleep with John... The look he gave her when he took her out of the car was really scary. He got very angry. I believe that now things will get heavier for both of them.

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