Review by wolfkin

Upload: Season 2

2x07 Download


Review by wolfkin
BlockedParent2022-03-20T13:45:11Z— updated 2022-03-21T20:01:15Z

What a horrific episode. I swear there's a missing episode. I want to rewatch to see what kind of locations were in this episode just to see if it makes sense that they had to reedit for covid reasons. Because the episodes starts off clearly 3 steps ahead of the last one which makes no sense. How did Nathan and Nora end up at the whitenoise waterfall? They were very clearly not there before. Aleesha was just a manager but now she's celebrating being a VP. She's coming off a tug of war about will she or won't she accept the company leash. Something that was just starting to be hinted at last episode. It couldn't be more clear that a full episode is missing. Even Ingrid's storyline has jumped from her starting the baby process in secret to now this episode she's already told Nathan and scheduled a final appointment to seal the deal something he clearly knows about and is fighting. I kind of feel like Luke downgrade to G-Rated dreams feels like maybe it's the end joke to her setting him to PG-13 and then PG and then G but to be fair even without that technically his storyline fits. But everything else just feels like it advanced somehow when I wasn't watching. I actually paused about 3minutes in to triple check that I wasn't missing some episode because I'm not in the US or something.

As an episode it was merely okay which is kinda raw considering the big things that happened. The big one being the Download that was teased. A risky procedure that has risky complications some of which we may or may not see. It involves Nathan making some big choices in orders that aren't necessarily obvious. It's all ends not in a cliffhanger or a big moment but a small one. The kind of thing you barely expect to end an episode much less a season. There's a lot of behind the scenes talk about the season length. Supposedly they "let the story determine the season length" which just reads like justification after the fact. I don't actually have any issue with the season length in general. 3 episodes, 10 episodes, 7 episodes I genuinely don't care. The problem isn't the number of episodes it's that they complete their story. Wheel of Time had this issue too. It's got a MASSIVE story to tell and squeezing it into 8 episodes just wasn't enough for the scale they were going for. EVERY episode felt rushed. What I'm seeing here with Upload Season 2 was perfectly paced and well done until this episode where suddenly the only conclusion we can make is they didn't have enough budget or health and safety for the penultimate episode. So rather than delay the show and try to complete it they just decided to skip it and go right to the finale.

As a season I enjoyed this only slightly less than the first. I really like the complexity to their characters. It's not the deepest show ever but Ingrid is a sympathetic villain. Luke was enjoyably consistent. Aleesha shows depth.

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