Shout by Aniela Krajewska

Downton Abbey: Season 5

5x05 Episode 5

I can't feel any sympathy for Edith when she's basically uprooting Marigold's entire life at whim. First she ripped her from a family in Switzerland that presumably loved her like their own child, now she's constantly harassing the Drewes and planning to take the child away from them too because they're (rightfully) setting boundaries. She seems to have no consideration for her daughter's wellbeing or the feelings of her caretakers. Being tossed from place to place can't be good for a child, especially one this young. But of course Edith only cares about herself and what she wants, and I guess Mrs Drewe is a bad guy for standing in the way of that, even though she's the one who actually cares about what's best for Marigold.

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