Shout by kryptwalker

Halo 2022

Oh look another show that has its natural flow interrupted by the same ol' industry standards plaguing everything else in the last few years. Hire hack writers who don't care about the source, hire every checkbox in the book, and then blame it on the fans for not liking it. Next.

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@kryptwalker I like it. Good thing they're not trying to cater to intolerable fanboiis like you.

@kryptwalker yep. Slowly they are gonna destroy everything amazing. They take a great thing, they turn it into disaster, and then they are upset when it fails. Like they put so much effort into ruining it and then they cry about losing money. Cater to fans or end up in the trash.

@kryptwalker Then the show gets cancelled. Same shit been happening for more than 7 years now

Sensed that in the beginning of the second season itself. I lost my interest after three episodes.
