Fantastic episode, largely driven by character pairings to show how much everyone has grown, with the Maureen/Smith scene especially being a magnificent showcase for those actors. While it was nice seeing the family going back to their roots of having to surviving being... lost... in space, I understand that we need to dive back into the thick of things as the story is coming to a close in just two more episodes. Still, I wish we'd had a couple more years to just follow this family bouncing around, always fleetingly resuming with the colony before something veers them away. Keep exploring the growth as these kids become adults of their own, make it all the more meaningful when, at the end of say season 5, they're able to finally complete the journey by staking down their own roots among those the new world. But, alas, Netflix needs to slot some fresh content in, so we're wrapping everything up after less than 30 episodes.

But still, what a powerful episode, ultimately centered on Will's sacrifice of trying to appeal to SAR, to encourage him to break free from his ancient programming, completely unaware until it's too late that SAR already has. He shed the commands of his masters, wiped them out, and I wonder how much he realizes that he's become the new master in their place, brutally forcing his brethren to follow his orders as any form of attachment is an obedience to the organics. Finally learning his ultimately motive, and how twisted his perspective has become, makes him all the more chilling as a villain. And Robot, poor Robot. Having to protect Will's secret so as to protect the family, learning from them that its not what they want, racing and slicing through other bots to save his gangly friend, and having John raging in his face, pounding against his shell over the consequences of the plan he silently went along with. I was gripped. I only wish they'd saved the reveal of Will's survival until the next episode, opening with the chaos of keeping him from slipping away. Yeah, that would be the obvious route, but if they're going to give us that climactic twist, milk our pain for all its worth.

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